
API Feature

Before you can use our API you need to ensure that the API feature is part of your subscription. If not please contact support@queue-it.net for enabling this feature.

Visiting https://go.queue-it.net/app/account/api-keys will reveal if you are missing the API feature.


This API must be accessed through the customer specific endpoint https://{customerid}.api2.queue-it.net. E.g. https://ticketania.api2.queue-it.net. SSL is required.


The API endpoints only accept UTF-8, so make sure you encode your request data correctly.

Rate Limitation

You can make requests to the API endpoints at most 10 requests per minute to an active event.

HTTP Headers


In order to authenticate and authorize the 'api-key' HTTP header must be supplied in the REST request.

You can manage your available keys at https://go.queue-it.net/app/account/api-keys


The following is an example of specifying the API key in a HTTP header:

api-key: c9a06dd0-b67f-49b3-938f-9e32ea05742b

Even though it's a bad security practice to send secrets in query string, we do support supplying the api-key as a query string parameter.

This is to help those customers that for some reason can't use the HTTP header option.

The following is an example of specifying the API key in the url query string:



The service will accept both XML and JSON formatted data by setting HTTP header to one of the following:

Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Type: application/json


The service can respond with either XML or JSON data by setting HTTP header to one of the following:

Accept: application/xml
Accept: application/json

When no header is specified the API will default to JSON